theyflysohigh : Steve Marsh

West Ham United Club Historian : Welcome to the Private memorabilia collection of 'theyflysohigh'

In summary:
The copyright of the images used on this site remains with the copyright holders. Images used in the Retro Articles section have been sourced from Ex-West Ham United players and West Ham United Football Club with permission.
Some images have been sourced from the internet to enhance the articles, in these cases, if known an appropriate acknowledgement has been given. No commercial gain is made from the use of the images on this site.
Web Site Statement
If you haven't guessed by now I collect West Ham United - Claret and Blue Memorabilia with a passion. All images and other material included within this website form part of the private collection and property of Steve Marsh. The material on display is purely intended as an informational resource to fellow collectors.
This website has been given permission to use some of West Ham United FC Ltd’s intellectual property due to the link of the author with the club, and the historical data contained within it.
Please note however, that some of the products depicted may not always have been produced with the authority of the club, and are not official licensed products, therefore West Ham United FC Ltd can confirm they are not in any way associated with this type of products contained within the site, and will, as ever vigorously defend unlawful use of their intellectual property.
If you are interested in becoming an official supplier to the club please contact West Ham United FC Ltd directly through their website at
Some images have been provided by fellow collectors to help fill the gaps missing from my own collection.
If you feel I have infringed your copyright please contact me.
The price quoted against an item throughout the site is a guide to the price you might expect to pay if you were to purchase the item via a recognised trade dealer.
No Memorabilia on this site is for sale.